
Small Business Grants for Equity-Deserving Groups in Canada

Small business grants designed specifically for equity-deserving groups might be the game-changer you need to unlock your entrepreneurial potential. Not only do grants provide a financial boost without repayment or equity stakes, but they also offer a plethora of benefits to help you succeed in the competitive business landscape. So, let’s dive into the world of grants and discover how they can supercharge your business dreams! 

Why Should You Apply for Grants?

Let’s start by exploring the remarkable advantages that grants bring to the table for equity-deserving entrepreneurs. 

Enhancing Credibility and Visibility: Imagine the impact of being recognized as a recipient of a small business grant! It adds a seal of credibility and validation to your business, showcasing recognition from grant-giving organizations. This newfound credibility can attract potential customers, clients, and investors eager to support diverse and inclusive enterprises like yours, amplifying your visibility within the business community. Think of it as free PR! 

Access to Training and Resources: Small business grants often provide access to tailored training programs, workshops, and resources specifically designed for equity-deserving entrepreneurs. These educational opportunities enhance your business acumen, develop essential skills, and offer guidance on various aspects of running a successful business. By equipping you with knowledge and resources, grants lay a solid foundation for long-term sustainability and growth. 

Building Networks and Mentorship: Small business grants for equity-deserving groups typically come with valuable networking opportunities and mentorship programs. These connections open doors to the wisdom and experience of successful business leaders, fostering growth and professional development. Additionally, grants facilitate connections within equity-deserving business communities, creating a supportive network of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and can offer guidance and support. 

Economic Empowerment and Job Creation: Grants offer the funding needed for small businesses to grow the local economy. Entrepreneurs receive the opportunity to create jobs within their communities, promote economic development, and contribute to a more inclusive business landscape. This means that you could achieve your business initiatives while hiring talented individuals to contribute to your business goals.  

Types of Grants Available to Equity-Deserving Groups

Let’s now explore the common types of grants available to equity-deserving entrepreneurs in Canada. 

Indigenous Entrepreneur Grants: Canada recognizes the importance of supporting Indigenous entrepreneurs and offers specific grant programs to foster their business ventures. These grants aim to promote economic development and self-sufficiency within Indigenous communities by providing financial assistance, training, and mentorship. 

Black-Owned Business Grants: In recognition of the unique challenges faced by Black entrepreneurs, several grant programs in Canada focus on empowering and uplifting Black-owned businesses.  

Women-Owned Business Grants: Grant programs supporting women-owned businesses play a vital role in empowering women entrepreneurs. It’s a well-known fact that only 2% of venture capital goes to women entrepreneurs. These grants recognize the intersectional challenges faced by women from diverse backgrounds and help close the gap by providing support to their entrepreneurial journeys. 

Immigrant and Newcomer Business Grants: Canada values its immigrant population and acknowledges the valuable contributions they make to the economy. Grant programs tailored for immigrant and newcomer entrepreneurs offer support to help them establish and grow their businesses.  

LGBTQ+ Business Grants: Inclusive grant programs have emerged to address the specific needs of LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. These grants aim to foster diversity and inclusivity within the business community. 

Disability-Owned Business Grants: Recognizing the entrepreneurial potential of individuals with disabilities, grant programs have been established to support their business ventures. These grants offer financial assistance, accessibility support, and business development resources to empower entrepreneurs with disabilities. 

Want to find specific grants that are tailored to your business? Check out Pocketed here. 

Eligibility and Application Process

Excited about the possibilities? Before you dive into the application process, it’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the eligibility criteria of each grant program. Generally, applicants are expected to demonstrate business viability, commitment, and potential for growth. The application process may involve submitting a business plan, financial statements, and other relevant documentation. Don’t fret! Seek guidance from business support organizations or consult with mentors, like Pocketed, who can assist you throughout the application process.


Small business grants for equity-deserving groups are a powerful catalyst for diversity, economic growth, and inclusivity. By investing in the dreams and aspirations of equity-deserving business owners, this cultivates a vibrant and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. So, if you belong to an equity-deserving group and aspire to start or grow your own business, exploring the available small business grants is a significant step towards realizing your entrepreneurial ambitions. And remember, if you need more help with finding the right grants for your business, check out Pocketed—a valuable resource to guide you on your funding journey. Your success story starts now! 

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