
Pocketed SME Spotlight: Fickl

Meet Fickl | A #PocketedSMESpotlight 💡

Fickl is the ultimate marketing management tool for small & micro-enterprise owners. They empower small business owners to benefit from great marketing, no matter how limited their resources.

You can follow their journey through their socials here.

“Without these grants, Fickl would have ground to a halt. The Alacrity grant paid for our onboarding software, meaning we can now onboard new customers seamlessly with in-app tutorials and click-through tours. This has dramatically reduced the time it took to onboard new customers manually. Our SR&ED consultants helped us access money, which has been a lifeline, especially as a bootstrapped company, meaning every cent I have invested (as the founder) has gone so much further. Finally, the ISI grant has allowed us to hire a new Digital Marketing & Communications Assistant, helping us to move into a whole new phase of our business which is truly so exciting.”

– Josie Piper, Founder

How they've used Pocketed to access grant funding

Through Pocketed, Fickl has pursued $33,400, allowing them to implement their customer onboarding software, hire new talent and further their company.


Grants they’ve accessed so far:

  • Alacrity CDAP
  • SR&ED consultants
  • Innovate BC ISI

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